Etudes anglaises - N°2/2024
Writing from India: Literatures in English

- 128 pages
- Livre broché
- 15 x 23 cm
- Anglais, Français
- Études anglaises
- Parution : 03/02/2025
- EAN13 : 9782252047927
Alexis TADIÉ : Introduction
Supriya CHAUDHURI : Allegory, Dystopia and Literature in our Time: Three Indian English Novels
Marianne HILLION : Rethinking Subaltern Urbanism through Indian Literary Nonfiction: Sonia Faleiro’s Beautiful Thing (2010) and Aman Sethi’s A Free Man (2011)
Manon BOUKHROUFA-TRIJAUD : A Sense of Belonging: Three Contemporary Poets in 21st-century Bombay
Ritu TYAGI : Diaspora Writes Back: Caste and Migration in Dalit Women Life Narratives
Vanessa GUIGNERY : “The struggle to be free”: A Conversationwith Aman Sethi
Laurent FOLLIOT : L’Esprit et les charniers : romantisme, apocalypse et mondialisation chez Coleridge
Notes on contributors